1.Choose the correct options. 1 John is allowed - Троечка.com
Опубликовано 6 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от Гость

1.Choose the correct options.
1 John is allowed to / can’t / must go on holiday on his own – he’s too young.
2 Students don’t have to / mustn’t / can call their teachers by their fi rst names – it’s a very modern school.
3 You can’t / needn’t / need to be by the school gate at 3 o’clock. Don’t be late! 4 We are allowed to / have to / mustn’t stand up when the headmaster enters the room – he’s very formal.
5 Teenagers have to / mustn’t / needn’t study hard for their exams if they want to get into university.
6 He has to / is allowed to / mustn’t phone them when he is going to be home late or they get worried.
7 You must / need to / don’t have to bring any food. My aunt is going to prepare everything.
8 Victor isn’t allowed to / needn’t / can go out during the week. His parents are very strict.

2. Complete the sentences with must or have/has to.
1 We            go to school this Saturday – we’re having
a rehearsal for a new play.
2 I’ve heard it’s a great novel. I            read it!
3 All students            wear uniforms in my school.
4 Does Amy            work in the café three times a week?
5 I’m really tired. I            go to bed early tonight.
6 I don’t think Jo has heard the news yet. You            text
her as soon as possible.
7 Visitors            switch off their mobiles here.
8 What do we            prepare for our next English class?

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Английский язык, опубликовано 5 лет назад