Choose the correct preposition (Выбрать правильный - Троечка.com
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Choose the correct preposition
(Выбрать правильный предлог)
across, opposite,near, by, next to, on, between, among.
1. You'd better go...... foot if you're not tired.
2. He usually travels ....... train.
3. The post office is ..... the bank
4. The theatre is just........the museum, so they look at one another.
5. The station is........the cafe, so it'll take you a minute to go there.
6. The cinema is ...... the zoo and the amusement park.
7. it's a little difficult to find the way ...... these high buildings.
8. Go..... the street and you'll see the shop, mind the traffic.
9. Can you see that small house ....... the trees?
10. They live just ....the school.

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Английский язык, опубликовано 5 лет назад