Раскройте скобки,используя Future Simple или be g - Троечка.com
Опубликовано 5 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Раскройте скобки,используя Future Simple или be going to.
— Can I speak to Fiona, please?

— Speaking. Is that you, Pat?

— It’s me. Hi. What you ______________ (1 – do) tonight?

— I don’t know yet. I think, I _____________ (2 — read) the book Nora gave me yesterday.

— How about going to the cinema?

— Sounds good, but I’m looking after my little brother after eight, because my parents are going to their friend’s birthday party.

— Poor you. Your brother is so naughty sometimes!

— But I love him. He’s so funny! I think, he _______________ (3 — be) a good clown. He says he ______________ (4 — be) a pilot, nothing else. Well, what ______________ (5 — do) you tonight?

— I don’t know either. I wanted to go somewhere nice with you, but you are baby-sitting tonight, so I __________ (6 — help) you to baby-sit, if you don’t mind.

—Of course, I don’t. Come along and we___________ (7 — have) a nice cup of tea and _________ (8—play) with my brother.

Ответ оставил Гость

1- will do

2 - will read

3- will be

4- will be

5- will help

6- will have

7- will play

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Английский язык, опубликовано 5 лет назад