1. Match the English word with the Russian one. St - Троечка.com
Опубликовано 6 лет назад по предмету Английский язык от Гость

1. Match the English word with the Russian one.
Starve Заказать
Depend На вынос
Grill Зависеть
Takeaway Столовая
Family-sized Десерт
Dessert С пониженным содержанием жира
Low-fat Семейный
Canteen Голодать
Order Готовить на гриле
Make up sentences with the words

2. Study the theory in module 9a. Then use some, much, many, no, a lot of, any, a little, few. Translate
• I don’t have _____ bread, so I have to buy ________.
• I can’t talk to you now, I have got ________ time.
• Sarah drinks ___________ cola. It’s not good.
• I can cook an apple pie. There’s _________ milk.
• I can’t cook an apple pie. There’re ________ eggs.
• I am not very busy today. I haven’t got _________ to do.
• I haven’t got ________ friends. But I can rely on them.
3. Study phrasal verb in module 9. Use the phrasal verb take (off, back, out, away) to fill in the gaps. Translate
• Two sandwiches _________________, please.
• Shoes turned to be small, so I _________them_________ to the shop.
• It’s too hot here. I think I'll ________ the fur coat ________.
• There’s a party with celebrities. So I am ____________ you ________ for the party.
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Английский язык, опубликовано 5 лет назад